Apprenticeship options at Möhling: Mechatronics Technician

Mechatronics technicians are proficient in the assembly, installation and programming of complex equipment/plants, machines, control units and systems (e.g. CNC machines). In addition, they manufacture the respective components and assemble them to form complex structures and systems. Mechatronics technicians put the finished equipment and systems into service, they programme them, or they install appropriate software. In doing so, they proceed in accordance with wiring diagrams and design drawings, carefully checking each system before putting it into operation. Furthermore, mechatronics technicians are responsible for performing preventive maintenance and repair work on machines, equipment/plants and systems.

Range of tasks and responsibilities (examples)
  • Setup and initial start-up of mechatronic systems
  • Assembly of mechanical, electrical and electronic components to form complex control systems
  • Installation of control software and performance of maintenance work on these systems
  • Setup and verification/inspection of electrical control systems
  • Reading, understanding and implementation of wiring diagrams and design drawings
  • Work planning and preparation
  • Apprenticeship period
Apprenticeship period 3.5 years
The apprenticeship programme in a nutshell
  • During the first months of your apprenticeship, you will acquire basic knowledge and skills in the fields of electrical engineering and metallography outside the firm.
  • In our Electrical Engineering/IT department, you will accomplish work planning and preparation. Also, you will manufacture parts and mechatronic systems. You will be provided with hands-on metalworking skills, and you will perform wiring work.
  • In our Production department, you will first install mechatronic systems into equipment and machines and then put them into service. In addition, you will perform repair work on equipment and ensure that it is properly maintained at all times. Also, you will programme production plants/equipment and implement software version changes.
  • In our Toolmaking department, we will familiarise you with the manufacture of new tools and with tool repairs.
  • In our Engineering Design department, you will gain an insight into the development, blueprinting, design and configuration of tool parts.
Minimum school-leaving qualification Above-average lower secondary school diploma (“Hauptschulabschluss”)
Personal strengths
  • Sound knowledge of maths, physics and English
  • Independent/self-directed working style
  • Team working skills
  • Interest in technical and electronical devices as well as in information technology
  • Good spatial awareness

Are you interested in applying for any of the apprenticeships posted here? Then please send your written application to:

Möhling GmbH & Co. KG

Altenaer Straße 49
D-58762 Altena

Or send Email to: